Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Welcome! 5kers & 10kers

So here we are, some of us reunited, some of us brand spanking new, but all of us here to pursue new endeavors. Sure some of us may be training for the same distance, but challenging yourself with new goals. While others are challenging themselves with elusive distances they still may not believe they can run. No matter what group you belong, know that we are all in this together!

We will individually struggle, but together we will encourage each other as we put one foot in front of the other. Individually we will hear voices shouting, “QUIT”, but together we will hold each other accountable. Individually we will find excuses not to run. But together we will still meet to run.

It’s not going to be rainbows and butterflies each time, but the overall experience will be amazing. For those of you that have crossed the finish line, share the feelings you felt, with those who have not. For those that have not crossed the finish line, it is your duty to inject those of us who have, with your energy and enthusiasm.

Every person has a role, an important role, to fulfill. Where one may not shine another does. The best part about a group, no one person is good at it all. We need each other to learn and grow from.

So as we toe that starting line in November as individuals, and break the finish tape of figurative, imaginary, and physical boundaries remember we are in this together!

I’m excited that you have signed up, and are challenging yourselves. You will be amazed at how far you will come and the things that you will accomplish! If you doubt this ask those of us that surprised ourselves as we crossed the finish. It’s not going to be easy, as you have to work for your goals, but you can and you will do it!


  1. Wahhoooo! We're gonna do it! All of us. Believe it!

  2. Kate I LOVE you!!! Are you running tonight? We shall discuss this whole blog business : )

  3. GREAT job from the 5K girls! We still have room for a few more in that group...anyone know anyone who has been thinking about thinking about learning to run???? Gonna be a great group...I can already tell :-) ~ Cheri

  4. yay yay yay yaaaaay! it's ON! sooooo excited....to even run in the rain tonite!! :)...tera w.

  5. I was counting on rainbows and butterflies for 10K. Oh well, I will just have to keep on trucking in the back. Glad to be back with the group again! :)

  6. Was really a great run in the rain this am!!! SO hard to get up...but SO worth it once we get going :-) LOVE IT! "REAL runners run in the rain...and the snow...and the sleet...and the wind...we just run because we LOVE the way it makes us feel!!" ~ Cheri
