Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Strength Testing for increased Mileage

Okay so I have sort of lost my Mojo in every sense, or at least it feels that way. I have a horribly ginked-up neck/back, school is either kicking my butt or I'm kicking it's (never can keep it straight), and I am desperately trying to be as balanced spiritually, physically, and emotionally as possible.
Since my Mojo is on vacation, this article will have to do-my creativity is also on vacation. Those of you increasing your milage (either in the 10k or 5k groups) this article is for you. These are a series of "tests", that become exercises, to see where your muscles rank before you add up the mileage. Click on the article scans and they should increase in size so you can actually read it : )
Someday when I grow-up, I want to be a writer like Kate! She's doing such a fantastic job!!! Sorry that I have yet to fulfill my end of this "partnership". Happy testing!