Sunday, August 22, 2010

Nutrition Part 2: Calories

Calories: How Many Do You Really Need?

If trimming down is your goal, you need to curb calories to pull some fat out of storage. To reduce your intake without too drastic of restriction, try this 3-step formula found in this month’s Shape Magazine. If you’re at your goal weight, than plug your current weight into the following formulas to maintain.

1. Multiple your weight GOAL by 10 = number of calories you should not eat less than per day without physical activity.

2. What is your consistent daily activity? Got an active job like a nurse or busy mom, add 3 calories per pound of goal weight. Got a desk job, unfortunately you don’t get to add any additional calories.

3. Got a run in or worked out today? Divide the estimated calories you burned in half and tack that onto that day’s intake allotment.

Example for a 160lb nurse who wants to weigh 140lbs, who also worked out and burned 425 calories this am.

Minimum Calories: goal weight 140 x 10 = 1,400 calories

Active Job: 3 calories x 140 = 420 additional calories

Work Out: 425 calories burned divided by 2 = 212 calories

Total Calorie intake: 1,400 + 420 + 212 = 2,032 calories


  1. Interesting, Angie, thank you! I always wonder how much I am supposed to eat a day. You do a great job, bloggy lady.

  2. Thanks for commenting I thought that maybe I finally bored everyone to death or something else!!!! Thanks again : )
