Monday, August 9, 2010

The Jedi Master

“Do or do not, there is no try.” –Yoda from Star Wars

As I sit in my living room, sweat still drying from this morning’s group run, I am wondering how my friend and former trainer, Cheri, Jedi Mind tricked me (as Yoda does in Star Wars) into doing this blog. As I was awakened from her trance, I yelled out in the same way Homer Simpson would after being tricked by Bart for the umpteenth time, “DOH”!

Cheri is an excellent trainer, suedo life coach, Advocare professional, Tryon manager, friend, but she would have also been an equally excellent Jedi Master. Before you stop reading due to all of the geeky analogies, please know that I am not a Star Trek geek or a Star Wars groupie. The analogy of Cheri being a Jedi, and using Jedi Mind tricks to convince me beyond my better judgment to do this blog, well, it just fits.

If you think about it, it fits for you as well. At the very beginning, Cheri Jedi mind tricked all of us into this Runner’s Club. That’s what she does with all of her inspiration, cheerleading, Advocare products (that unfortunately have become my personal heroin), tips, and coaching. Darn you Cheri for making us healthier and resurrecting us from our comfort zones!

I am sure I am not alone, but in the beginning I felt I needed to be accountable to her. Because lets face it, she’ll ask us “Where were you for the last one?”. It’s all part of the Jedi Mind mastery, GUILT. So as I unwillingly got ready to meet the ladies my mind raced with, “I don’t want to get up and join the girls by 7am, You already got your workouts in for the week, It’s too hot, It’s too humid, It's okay if you miss tonight because you can make it up later, I signed up for this so it’s a voluntary not required, etc.”

Then as the weeks passed, WAY to fast, I made progress and got excited about that progress. My negative attitude turned positive. I then realized that the Jedi Master had completed her mission. I now Jedi mind trick myself! In addition, I wasn’t alone. Everyone’s minds had turned Jedi. Positive affirmations are now frequently shared between group members and the echos of high fives are heard all the while we were running…GASP!

Seriously this it getting out of hand, we need to get a hold of ourselves and remember who we were and where we came from. Wait a minute, I remember who I was a month ago, and I don’t want to be who I was. Damn those Jedi mind tricks! I actually want to…do I dare say it…I actually want to…pause for inhalation of a big breath…RUN?!?!

So thank you Jedi Master and your trickery. I couldn’t have and wouldn’t have done it without you. I am now a proud member of the Jedi Masters Tryon for Her Runners Club Clan! Live long and prosper, or am I supposed to say, may the force be with you. I don’t know, I’ll have to pop in a DVD or two, but you get the idea.


  1. The phrase "resurrecting us from our comfort zones" deserves some kind of award. And possibly candy. Excellent, excellent post.

    I can't believe Cheri has tricked me into reading blogs. Ugh. Her powers far surpass the Runner's Club.

  2. Thanks Stephanie : ) Who knew how far Cheri's powers could extend?

  3. I like to think of Cheri as our little Yoda now. We should make her wear pointy ears while she runs. -Kelly Q

  4. Whenever I want to quit, I think of her running with me the morning we did the run 5/walk 2.5. Because I just COULDN'T DO IT. But guess what? I did. And now I can run EIGHT whole minutes. So yeah. She's a total Jedi.

  5. Awesome blog Angie!!

    LOL Kelly - I am picturing Cheri with Yoda ears :)

    Yay Kate!! It's amazing each week to see the progress everyone is making! I would never use to label myself as a "runner" but I am!!

    ~~When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top.~~
